
Halloween Decor 2014, part 2

5:57 PM
Thank you so much to everyone who helped make our Halloween Bash a huge success. Hearing all the Gasps!    Oohs!  and Ahhs!   Make the craziness preceding, worth it! So HUGE  thanks to everyone who helped decorate, Bake, And Buy! THANKS B ...



Halloween Decor 2014

3:17 PM
It's finally here! Our Halloween reveal.   Lots of unique items. Perfect to decorate up your house, Or, BOO a friend. Of, course I know it's early, silly.   We put it out early to inspire you. So have fun! Be Inspered. B ...



Today, and Holidays

8:26 PM
The holidays are BIG for us.   I mean, we go all out on decor, gift items, and well... Pretty much anything that has to do with the Holidays.  It starts in January, at show, and in my head. http://pinterest.com/pin/AxFQWQAQAF8CDhdpwI4AAAA/ Where I try to pull together themes.  And order enough for that theme. Sometimes getting ready for the holidays can be challenging. Boxes...



It Takes A Village

10:14 AM
Having a store is a whole mix of wonderful, angst, joy, stress, pleasure, irritation, and Christmas morning mess. Yes, all of this and more! And to get through it (with any kind of sanity) requires a village. There's the Artists who help you see IT.... The Organizers who help you find IT..... The Motivators who help you keep going towards IT.... The Facilitators...



Don't Stress When Picking Your Chalk Paint® Color(s)

11:20 AM
What to do when you've painted your piece one Chalk Paint® decorative paint by Annie Sloan, and a month or two later, decide you want it another color? Maybe you've moved.  Maybe you were just a little afraid of picking color.  Or, maybe you've went crazy with the first can & color and now, you need this piece to stand out more. Maybe you...



The White Sofa

12:05 PM
What's a girl to do with 3 vintage sofas? Yes 3. http://pinterest.com/pin/Ayh4RAAQgKEG-z5XXz8AAAA/ No.  I'm not a sofa hoarder!  We were planning a backyard wedding last year and I wanted to 'dot' our backyard with vintage seating.   http://pinterest.com/pin/A7uDAAAQAHgD4lM31uQAAAA/ So, one thing led to another and in 2 short weeks I had 3 vintage sofas. http://pinterest.com/pin/A_PbEQAQwGsA4lM31uQAAAA/ One was especially bad.   http://pinterest.com/pin/A6uHQwAQAE8F4lM31uQAAAA/ It looked...