
Happy New Year!

5:30 PM
The after Christmas sale is going fantastically well. I'm completely out of party sheep, almost out of all the dog and bird ornaments, and the Christmas dishes are quickly disappearing. It is taking all of me to not re-arrange the store - but there is no reason to re-arrange now, when I'm closing on Sunday to re-do the whole store. I can't wait...


Merry Christmas

2:25 PM
It has been a very exciting month. I apologize for not keeping everyone updated but I didn't want to share news until things were finally nailed down. I am excited to announce that in January the Not Too Shabby team will be expanding to include Karryann Pallitto! Karryann is amazingly talented with the paintbrush and the needle and I am so excited to...


Christmas Decorations

1:24 PM
Put up Christmas all around the store and it looks so festive. The large mercury glass ornaments are such a bargain at $15 each. The beautiful blue glass birds are priced right at $10. All of the Holiday dishes are out and they look so beautiful. I have the Snowman and Nostalgic Santa line but my favorite is the Grace line of dishes....